What Skincare to Avoid After Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Learn what skincare practices you should avoid after a laser hair removal treatment to ensure successful results.

What Skincare to Avoid After Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

After a laser hair removal session, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure successful results. Avoiding makeup, perfumed products, whitening creams, and waxing for 48 hours is essential. Additionally, hot water, the sun, and heat should be avoided for several days. Moisturizers can help rehydrate the skin, but products containing retinol or acids should be avoided for the first 24 hours.

Shaving is the only hair removal method that should be used within 24 hours of each session. Waxing or waxing the hair should be avoided as this can destroy the skin and hair follicles.


and fragrances should not be used after a laser hair removal treatment when the skin is very sensitive. Sun protection should be applied to the area of body where laser hair removal was done for about two weeks after treatment.

Laser hair removal is a popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatment in the United States with more than 1 million treatments performed each year. It works by targeting the pigment in the hair follicles with intense laser light to stop or slow future hair growth. The technology and device used, as well as the experience of the technician performing the treatment, influence the results. To ensure successful laser hair removal results, it is important to avoid makeup on the treated area for at least 48 hours.

Additionally, perfumed products or whitening creams should not be used for 48 hours. If blisters or crusts form, it is important to avoid scratching the treatment area as this can cause scarring. Waxing, tweezing, and threading should be avoided throughout the treatment cycle. Hot water, the sun, and heat can burn and irritate the skin after laser hair removal, so these should be avoided for several days.

Moisturizers help to rehydrate and calm the skin after laser treatments but products that contain retinol or acids should be avoided for the first 24 hours to limit irritation. If having laser hair removal on the legs, bikini line, or armpits, shower gels, fragrances, or chemical lotions should be avoided as these can cause inflammation. It is best to leave the area of skin free of any product other than aloe vera for at least 24 hours. Waxing or waxing the hair can destroy the skin and hair follicles and should be avoided.

Debora Copes
Debora Copes

General twitter scholar. Passionate social media lover. Avid web enthusiast. Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Bacon lover. Lifelong zombie maven.