How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

Laser hair removal is a popular and effective way to get rid of unwanted body and facial hair. Learn more about how long a laser hair removal session lasts and book your appointment at Infinity Laser Spa today!

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

Laser hair removal is a popular and effective way to get rid of unwanted body and facial hair. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser light to target and destroy hair follicles, resulting in permanent hair reduction. But how long does one session of laser hair removal take?The duration of a laser hair removal session depends on the size of the area being treated. For smaller areas, such as the upper lip or chin, the treatment can take as little as five minutes.

For larger areas, such as the back or legs, the treatment can take up to an hour. When it comes to facial hair, 12 to 16 successive treatments are usually necessary for optimal results. For body hair, 8 to 10 treatments are usually enough, although darker skin tones may require up to 12 treatments. Most people start to see their hair fall out three to five days after their laser hair removal session. The treated area will be smooth for approximately four to six weeks after the first laser hair removal session. However, over the course of several treatments, laser therapy can destroy all of the hair follicles in a given area. If you don't want complete hair removal at first, you can ask the specialist to leave some delicate areas alone.

It's also important to avoid using any other hair removal method, such as waxing, for at least one week after treatment. So, if you're looking for a safe and effective way to get rid of unwanted body or facial hair, laser hair removal is an excellent option. Thousands of Americans undergo this procedure every week and many of them experience permanent hair reduction. So why not book your first laser hair removal session at Infinity Laser Spa today?.

Debora Copes
Debora Copes

General twitter scholar. Passionate social media lover. Avid web enthusiast. Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Bacon lover. Lifelong zombie maven.