Everything You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal

Learn everything you need to know about laser hair removal including how it works, different types of lasers used, side effects & risks & more.

Everything You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a widely utilized cosmetic technique to reduce or eradicate unwanted hair. Pulses of laser light destroy hair follicles, thus stopping future hair growth.

The treatment is generally pain-free; however, some individuals may experience something similar to sunburn in the days following an appointment.

Unwanted body hair can be uncomfortable and embarrassing; many seek ways to eliminate it. Laser hair removal is one of the most popular methods for permanently reducing unwanted hair, and it can be used on almost any part of the body. In this article, we'll discuss laser hair removal, how it works, the different types of lasers used, the side effects and risks, and how to find the proper treatment for you. Laser hair removal is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser light to target and destroy active hair follicles.

The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the laser light, which causes them to heat up and be destroyed. This results in a permanent reduction in the amount of hair in the treated area.

Average Cost of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a safe, long-lasting cosmetic procedure to reduce unwanted body hair. As an alternative to shaving or waxing, laser treatment can effectively address large and small areas on both the face and body simultaneously, with no downtime required for recovery afterward.

Laser hair removal typically costs approximately $306 per treatment session, though prices will differ depending on your needs and treatment area. Larger surfaces like legs or arms typically incur higher fees than more minor spots such as the face or buttocks; additionally, factors like the type of laser used and the clinic or physician who perform the procedure also play a factor in its total price tag.

Note that laser hair removal is considered cosmetic surgery and is usually not covered by private insurance plans; however, if it is necessary to address a medical condition, contact your insurer for guidance and approval.

Before your laser hair removal appointment, it is recommended that you shave the area of the skin that will be treated. In addition, it's best to refrain from sunbathing or tanning beds before treatment, as laser treatments don't always work as effectively on tanned skin. You will also be provided with protective glasses during your session.

Types of Lasers Used for Hair Removal

Several lasers are used for hair removal, including ruby, alexandrite, diode, and IPL systems. Each type of laser has advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to talk to your doctor about which is best for you.

Ruby lasers are FDA-approved for permanent hair reduction and are best suited for lighter skin tones. Alexandrite lasers are also FDA-approved and are best for darker skin tones. Diode lasers are more potent than ruby or alexandrite lasers and can be used on all skin types. IPL systems use intense pulsed light instead of laser light and are best for treating larger areas of unwanted hair.

Laser hair removal is a quick, safe, and efficient procedure when performed by trained professionals. Light energy from the laser absorbs the pigment (color) in hair follicles to destroy them and stop further hair production - an attractive solution for people who are tired of shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams and want smooth, hairless skin all year long.

As noted above, laser hair removal treatments may not be considered permanent; hair can eventually regrowth over time - though typically in finer and lighter forms than before. Therefore, treated areas must remain out of direct sunlight and always wear broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen to protect the treated area from sunburn and sun damage.

The first step to successful laser hair removal is selecting an experienced physician or dermatologist to perform the procedure. While spas and salons often offer laser services, clinics specializing in aesthetic medicine or dermatology will likely deliver better results as their technicians are familiar with your skin type and tone and provide optimal treatments. They'll also advise whether laser hair removal is suitable for you!

Side Effects and Risks

Laser hair removal can be highly safe and effective when administered by an experienced practitioner. While side effects may arise, they tend to be mild and temporary - the most frequently reported are redness, swelling, and an unpleasant sunburn-like sensation; other patients may even detect sulfur-like odors from smoke puffs produced when the laser destroys their follicles.

Your skin and hair color play an essential part in the success of laser treatment for hair removal. Lighter complexions with dark hair reflect light more efficiently, making these ideal candidates. On the contrary, blonde and red hues absorb it differently and may not be suitable candidates for laser hair removal treatments.

Laser hair removal treatments are not advised for pregnant women, and it is wise to consult with a healthcare practitioner before any laser hair removal session. People with skin healing issues such as keloid scarring should also avoid this treatment and try limiting exposure to sunlight for several weeks before and after therapy to lower the risk of blistering.

Laser hair removal is generally safe when performed by a qualified professional.

However, before undergoing treatment, you should know some potential side effects and risks. These include skin irritation, redness, swelling, itching, burning sensation, and temporary changes in skin color. More severe side effects, such as burns or scarring, may occur in rare cases. Talking to your doctor about potential risks before undergoing treatment is essential.

Finding the Right Treatment for You

When finding the proper laser hair removal treatment for you, there are several factors to consider.

First, you should talk to a board-certified dermatologist about your skin type and the type of laser most suitable for your needs. You should also discuss any potential side effects or risks associated with the treatment. Finally, you should ask about any discounts or promotions that may be available.

Laser hair removal offers a safe and effective alternative to shaving, waxing, and plucking to remove unwanted body hair. It uses laser light energy to destroy pigment cells in hair follicles to stop their production of new hair strands - an uncomfortable process at first but ultimately very effective! To minimize discomfort, a qualified practitioner must perform this treatment, and all instructions for preparation and recovery from treatment are strictly followed.

Laser treatments are relatively painless except for minor side effects like itching and pink skin. Limiting sun exposure before and after laser hair removal treatments is recommended. The heat from the laser can temporarily increase skin pigmentation or cause permanent damage to your skin.

For optimal results, most individuals require multiple laser hair removal sessions. The number of sessions will depend on factors like hair color and coarseness, hormonal influences, and treatment area - an ideal practice would be laser hair removal every four to six weeks until desired results have been attained.

Maintenance Treatments

Once you've had your initial laser hair removal treatment, you may need maintenance treatments every few months to keep your results looking their best. Maintenance treatments can help reduce the regrowth after each session and help keep your skin looking smooth and free of unwanted hair.

After coming out of a laser hair removal treatment, your skin may feel slightly red and swollen for several hours. It is advised to limit direct sunlight and apply sunscreen on areas treated.

Remind yourself that laser hair removal treatments won't eliminate all of your hair; therefore, you will still require shaving or waxing to maintain optimal results between treatments. Do not expect permanent results; most people need multiple sessions for optimal results.

Do not be alarmed if new hair growth appears after laser therapy; this is simply due to the laser targeting the follicles and pushing them deeper into your skin for natural shedding. When hair eventually returns, it will likely be lighter in texture and color.

Make sure you choose an experienced and qualified practitioner, and verify their registration to demonstrate they meet set training, skill, and insurance coverage standards. Avoid tanning, plucking, or waxing in the weeks leading up to your appointment to help facilitate optimal results.

Aftercare Routine

Following an aftercare routine after each laser hair removal session is essential to ensure that your skin stays healthy and free of irritation.

This includes avoiding direct sun exposure for at least two weeks after each session, using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when outdoors, avoiding hot showers or baths for 24 hours after each session, avoiding perfumes or other scented products on the treated area, and using skincare products designed explicitly for post-laser care.

Follow appropriate aftercare instructions after laser hair removal treatments to get the maximum benefit out of them while minimizing side effects and keeping skin looking healthy. This will help ensure optimal outcomes from each session and maximize success for long-term benefits.

Before and after your procedure, you must wear sunscreen when going outdoors to protect the treated area from UV rays and prevent further discoloration or sun spots from appearing. Doing this can also reduce any discomfort experienced post-surgery.

People sometimes experience redness and swelling after laser hair removal, so applying a cold compress on the affected area may be beneficial. Take over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol for relief if necessary.

Before and following laser treatments, it is wise to refrain from plucking or waxing the area as this could compromise its efficacy. Tanners may cause skin irritation and increase your risk for hypopigmentation (light spots).

Once you've undergone laser hair removal treatments, the effects will likely allow you to forego shaving or waxing altogether; however, periodic maintenance treatments may still be required to catch stray hairs undisrupted by the laser beam.


Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to reduce unwanted body hair permanently. It targets active hair follicles with laser light, which causes them to heat up and be destroyed. Several types of lasers are used for this procedure, including ruby lasers, alexandrite lasers, diode lasers, and IPL systems. It's important to talk to a board-certified dermatologist about which type of laser best suits your skin type and desired results.

Maintenance treatments may be necessary every few months to keep your results looking their best, and finally, following an aftercare routine after each session is essential to ensure that your skin stays healthy and free of irritation. Laser hair removal is an FDA-approved solution for permanently eliminating unwanted body and facial hair, leaving smooth skin free from stubble. It's fast, effective, and permanent; studies have demonstrated it can reduce hair growth by 70%-90% in just six treatments! Unlike shaving or waxing, which only temporarily suppresses the problem by temporarily blocking growth follicles that produce hair growth, laser light destroys these follicles. Hence, the hair never grows again - unlike either option!

Even though laser treatment is generally safe and effective, there may be side effects you should be wary of. Lasers can sometimes cause redness, swelling, and tenderness similar to a sunburn - cooling creams or ice packs may help alleviate symptoms. It's essential to find a qualified laser technician; verify their credentials to ensure they meet set training and skill standards before selecting someone for laser therapy treatment.

Hair removal is a personal choice, yet many find the traditional methods, such as shaving, waxing, and plucking, frustrating and time-consuming. Laser hair removal might be just the solution you've been looking for if you find yourself constantly having to shave, wax, or tweeze; remember to follow your aesthetician's aftercare protocol after your treatment to protect the skin from overheating and reacting negatively with its pulsed light pulses.

Debora Copes
Debora Copes

General twitter scholar. Passionate social media lover. Avid web enthusiast. Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Bacon lover. Lifelong zombie maven.