Laser Hair Removal: Special Considerations for Curly and Thick Hairs

Learn about special considerations when it comes to laser treatments for those with curly or thick hairs. Find out if laser treatments are suitable for you.

Laser Hair Removal: Special Considerations for Curly and Thick Hairs

Laser hair removal is a popular method for permanently removing unwanted body hair. It works by attacking and destroying the hair follicle with a high-intensity beam that preserves surrounding tissue. However, there are some special considerations for people with curly or thick hairs when it comes to laser hair removal treatments. Lasers cannot target fine, blond hairs and therefore cannot be removed using this method.

However, with changes in technology, laser hair removal may work on some types of lighter hairs. The best candidates for this type of hair removal are those with pale skin and dark hair. The contrast between fair skin and dark hair allows melanin to be easily attacked. Waxing is a better option for light-colored hair. People with darker skin tones or who tan easily may have a harder time getting the results of laser hair removal.

This does not mean that there are no options. The latest laser hair removal technology can treat hair types with lower contrast skin tones. The Fitzpatrick chart is used to assess hair and skin types for laser hair removal. One of those advances is that more people can safely undergo laser hair removal.

In the past, only people with dark hair and fair skin could safely undergo laser hair removal. Today, laser hair removal is a treatment option for patients who have fair hair and skin and for patients who have dark skin. Laser hair removal should be done with great care in these patients. Dermatologists know what precautions to take to safely and effectively provide laser hair removal. Laser hair removal usually reduces the amount of body hair in the treated area, but some people may experience new growth. These hair types are often associated with darker skin tones, resulting in fewer options for safe and effective hair removal.

Fortunately, electrolysis, the only permanent hair removal method, works on all skin tones and all hair types, including curly, rough, and ingrown. Laser hair removal for fine hair isn't as effective, although there are techniques available that will allow even people with fine, light-colored hair to enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal. Because there is a dramatic difference between hair and skin colors, the laser has no problem identifying the hair follicle and effectively attacking it. If you decide to use a home laser hair removal device, follow the instructions that come with the device to help reduce the risk of injury, especially eye injury. Laser hair removal for thick hair is usually the most effective, as it is easier for the laser to attack the melanin in the hair and destroy the follicle. Before undergoing laser treatments, it's important to consult with your doctor to determine if this is an appropriate treatment option for you. Several laser sessions may be needed for initial results and maintenance treatments may also be necessary. Due to its ability to cover a large treatment area with just a few light passes, laser extraction is usually quick and painless.

With this in mind, your specific type of curly or thick hairs makes all the difference in the effectiveness of laser treatments. For those with curly or thick hairs looking to permanently remove unwanted body hairs, it's important to consider all available options before making a decision. Laser treatments may not be suitable for everyone due to their unique characteristics but electrolysis remains an effective solution regardless of your skin or hair type.

Debora Copes
Debora Copes

General twitter scholar. Passionate social media lover. Avid web enthusiast. Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Bacon lover. Lifelong zombie maven.