How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

Laser Hair Removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted body or facial hair. Learn how long each session takes and how many sessions are needed for optimal results.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

Laser hair removal is a popular and safe method of hair removal that has been around for decades. It is an effective way to get rid of unwanted hair from any area of the body, but how long does a laser hair removal session take? The duration of a laser hair removal session depends on the size of the area being treated. Generally, a small area such as the upper lip can take as little as five minutes, while larger areas such as the back or legs can take up to an hour. The number of treatments required also varies depending on the area being treated and the individual's skin and hair type.

Typically, 8 to 10 (up to 12 in darker skin tones) successive treatments are necessary for optimal results. Facial hair usually requires 12 to 16 successive treatments. The good news is that laser hair removal doesn't hurt. Everyone has a different tolerance for pain, but compared to waxing, laser hair removal is not painful in the strict sense of the term. This is because this method of removing hair works by focusing on the color of the hair, so the greater the contrast between the color of the hair and the skin, the more efficiently it will work. Although laser hair removal is not considered a permanent hair removal method under FDA rules, many patients do experience permanent hair removal.

Thinning hair is also popular in women who don't mind having hair on their arms, but feel that their arm hair is too thick due to a serious hormonal imbalance. When you understand that it will be a few weeks before you see the final results, it's natural to wonder if it's worth undergoing laser hair removal. In the early days of laser treatments, only people with very fair skin and very dark hair were suitable candidates for treatment. However, today there are many different types of lasers available that can be used on all skin types. If you're tired of waxing and shaving over and over again, contact Radiant Divine Medical Spa in Avon, Ohio to learn more about laser hair treatments. Keep in mind that you will definitely need several sessions per specific area, since the laser can only destroy hair follicles in the active growth phase.

Women can have bikini or Brazilian laser hair removal during their period, as long as they use a tampon. After your first laser hair removal session, you should avoid hot showers, saunas, and exercise for at least 24 hours. Although over the course of several treatments, laser therapy can destroy all of the hair follicles in a specific area, there is a chance that the body may grow new hair follicles in the treated area. When considering laser hair removal treatments, it's important to understand how long each session will take and how many sessions are needed for optimal results. With Radiant Divine Medical Spa in Avon, Ohio you can get all your questions answered and find out if laser therapy is right for you.

Debora Copes
Debora Copes

General twitter scholar. Passionate social media lover. Avid web enthusiast. Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Bacon lover. Lifelong zombie maven.